(馬六甲13日訊)愛極樂班台醫院日前主辦一場脊柱內窺鏡外科研討會,獲多位來自國內的外科醫生參與並與演講者交流意見。辦該活動的目的是為外科專科創建一個交流平台,使他們能夠提升知識,交流技能及微創脊柱外科領域的最新進展。 該院骨科外科專科莫哈末扎迪醫生在研討會分享微創脊柱外科手術(MISS)。這是項微創高科技的外科手術,尤其是面對脊柱疼痛和脊柱功能降低的病患,帶來了多一項選擇。 莫哈末扎迪醫生表示,該手術能穩定並降低如椎管狹窄或椎間盤突出症之類的情況而產生的壓力。若與開放式或顯微脊柱外科手術相比,這手術僅需很小的切口,並減低對周圍組織的實質損傷風險,而且微創手術所需的住院時間更短,快速復原。 他也進一步解釋了有關手術的細節,如手術涉及擴大脊柱的傷口,減輕神經壓力等。 “若與傳統的開放式手術相比,接受MISS的患者僅需進行局部麻醉,可以更快地緩解當前症狀,更快地恢復回職場上班,並且減低疼痛。” 這次為期一天的研討會結合了講座,討論,親自動手實踐於合成屍體模型及觀看手術現場。 這項研討會該院特邀3名嘉賓,分享他們在椎間盤突出症、狹窄和脊柱融合術的內窺鏡脊柱手術方面的專業知識。亞庇鷹閣醫院神經外科專科陳偉健醫生,中國廣東省中醫院著名的微創脊柱外科專家之一陳博來醫生及中國廣東省中醫院脊柱外科林湧鵬醫生。 莫哈末扎迪醫生是馬六甲首位提供MISS技術。自2016年以來,他已成功完成了內窺鏡脊柱手術。有關更多此信息,您可聯繫愛極樂班台醫院06-231 9999。

Source: Guang Ming Daily

Dr Tan (fourth left) with participants of the Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu endoscopic spine surgery and pain management workshop

KOTA KINABALU: Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu hosted the first endoscopic spine surgery and pain management workshop in Sabah for surgeons from around Malaysia.

Led by Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu consultant neurosurgeon, neurospine surgeon and pain management specialist Dr Tan Wei Chean, the workshop from May 22-23 provided a platform for other practising surgeons to exchange skills, knowledge and updates in the field of minimally invasive spine surgery and pain management.

“Endoscopic spine surgery stems from modern technology that has become more popular these few years due to its minimal invasiveness.

“In Malaysia, however, this technology is still unfamiliar. It is hoped that this workshop serves as an eye-opener for local surgeons to include it in their practice,” said Dr Tan.

Despite the relative “newness” of the procedure among Malaysians, Dr Tan said patients were accepting the surgery when the option was presented to them as the minimally invasive technique was very appealing.

This is because endoscopic surgery involves smaller incisions and less wounding, therefore reducing recovery time and minimising risks. It is also more cost effective, said Dr Tan.

In addition, he said it was imperative to implement endoscopic surgery because back pain could affect people of any age, for different reasons.

“Commonly, as people get older, the chances of developing lower back pain increases, due to factors such as previous occupation or degenerative disc disease that affects our spine.

“Lumbar pain nowadays is also more common than in older times due to lifestyle and lack of exercise. Poor posture could also cause one to develop the condition, especially now that most people are glued to their smartphones.

“Many are afraid to seek treatment for this condition because they don’t want invasive surgery. As a result, some appeal to drugs but experience various side effects in turn.

“What we want people to know is that now, there is a more advanced technique, the endoscopic technique, which is far less invasive with lower risks, less chance of relapse, shorter recovery time and more benefits overall,” said Dr Tan.

In order to determine the need for spine surgery, Dr Tan explained that patients are required to undergo preliminary procedures or conservative treatment such as medication, physiotherapy, chiropractic treatment and acupuncture, among others. Only after pain management treatment can a doctor assess if surgery is required, he said.

In only a year and a half at Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu, Dr Tan has performed over 60 such procedures with a success rate of around 90 per cent. He explained that some patients relapsed due to putting strain on the body before full recovery. However there had been no permanent nerve injury with the use of this method.

Dr Tan uses the Isee system at Gleneagles Kota Kinabalu to perform his endoscopic surgeries, a set of sophisticated equipment which provides surgeons with a visual while the surgery is being performed. Malaysia is only the second country in the world to utilise this system after China, according to him, with Sabah as the pioneering state.

With over 30 years’ experience studying and practising in Taiwan, Dr Tan brought his expertise to Sabah and treats patients from all over Malaysia and even neighbouring countries. Once a month, he visits Sandakan Specialist Clinic to provide outpatient consultation to patients.

A group of 13 surgeons from across Malaysia attended the endoscopic spine surgery and pain management workshop, which included lectures and three live surgeries performed by Dr Tan. The workshop also featured lectures by orthopaedic surgeons Dr Dharmalingam Muthiah and Dr Choong Leong Tong.

The workshop was sponsored by Perintis Medik Sdn Bhd and supported by Medik-Iink Sabah Sdn Bhd.

Source: Borneo Post Online (POSTED ON MAY 24, 2019, FRIDAY)